German Weapon Legislation - Changes by April 1st, 2003

Summary of all new regulations concerning our supply

The following weapons are forbidden from now on:

  • throwing stars (real ~)
  • butterfly knives
  • fall knives
  • fist knives (stab daggers)
  • automatic knives
    exclusion: maximum length of the automatic blade not more than 8,5 cm; width of the blade in the middle at least 20% of the blade, not sharpened on both side and a continous to the edge tapered back

If you should still have items of such kind, there are four opportunities:

  • register it at the German Federal Criminal Office as part of a cultur-historic important collection
  • hand it over at the local police against reception
  • destroy them yourself
  • keep them somewhere outside Germany

The transitional period given by the law ended by August 31st, 2003. Who has any of the above mentioned items in possession may be subject to investigation and prosecution by law enforcement.

Please don't send any items of this kind back to us. At accepting it we would  violate the law!

As before, nunchaku and knuckle brass continue to be prohibited.

Further Information


(+49) 03533 519510

Mo-Fr 8-12 am and
Mo-Th 1-5 pm

(+49) 03533 4890585
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