Budoten - Tour: Basket

Suchergebnis Liste

From the basket you can start placing your order.

We will give here recommendations for similar items or alternative items to products located in your basket.

Of course you can change quantities or delete items from the basket.

If you select the country of destination, shipping costs will be calculated based on the weigth of the goods in the basket.

If there are any extra fees for certain modes of payment (e.g. cash on delivery) we will show them already in the basket, as soon as the mode of payment was selected.

You can redeem gift certificates, vouchers and customer advantage cards in the basket.

To finish your order, please click the orange button "proceed to checkout". All pages, following the basket, are encrypted by ssl in order to enable a secure data-transfer.

Further Information


(+49) 03533 519510

Mo-Fr 8-12 am and
Mo-Th 1-5 pm

(+49) 03533 4890585 info@budoten.com
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