Weapons from our Shop and Legislation

Again and again we receive emails by worried customers, asking about weapons legislation concerning the weapons from our shop. They are asking, e.g. if they need any weapon license or something similar.

We would like to answer her for everybody:

Each and every weapon sold by us is allowed in Germany for selling, purchase and possession. We don't supply any forbidden weapons. You can not buy any forbiden weapon from our online shop.

Most of the metal weapons may be purchased only from the age of 18. We are legally obliged to request an age verification when you order such weapons. We don't offer any weapons which are subject to be sold only from the age of 21 or above.

As a matter of principle weapons are not allowed to carry any weapon in the public (e.g. keep it ready for usage), unless you have a respective permission by the police. When you Waffen transport weapons in a closed bag everything is fine. According German law you are not allowed to carry swords and other weapons ready for usage in the public. Weapons are not ready for usage if you carry them packed properly (e.g. swords in a sword bag, guns in a closed brief case).

Usually there is no need for any weapon license. If you are not sure about, you should contact you local police since regulations may vary from state to state. Especially Berlin is known for its strict legislation.

Further Information


(+49) 03533 519510

Mo-Fr 8-12 am and
Mo-Th 1-5 pm

(+49) 03533 4890585 info@budoten.com
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