Budoten - Tour: Product Detail Page

Suchergebnis Liste

On the detail page you will find all known details about the item. It contains furthermore many additional information.

1 You may see, how other customers had evaluated this item. Besides a graphic rating indicated by stars you can see how many reviews the product has and what was the average rating for it.

2 The price is a important information. You can check there general information about the shipping costs too.

3 The price trend informs graphically about price changes. The text below gives you additional more detailed information.

4 The icon shows the availability. If you move the mouse pointer over the icon or when you click on it you will get more information.

5 Next to the product-id you see the sales rank of the item throughout our supply. The smaller the number is, the more popular the product is.

6 Here you can add to the item to your basket.

7 By clicking this link you can see similar items which belong to the same category as the item on this page.

8 A detailed text-description completes the product information.

9 Here you find information on the shipping costs.

10 You see first only a preview of the available product images. By clicking with the mouse on an image or the text-link below you will be able to see the larger pictures.

11 Here are other useful functions. You can add the item to your personal shopping list or wish list, compare it with other items or send special questions to our support.

12 Informations to the brand are to be seen at this place. Click at the links in order to look for other items of the same maker.

13 If you find an error, you can report it directly to the Budoten technicians.

14 Links for other important information for your order at Budoten.

15 With the combi package you can order the product together with an other often sold item cheaper as set. You can order the combi package solely from the products detail page.

16 In savings package there is the recommended item from the combi package plus the together with it most often sold product at a special price. You can take advantage of the savings package solely at the products detail page.

17 At this place you can see, which items had been bought by other customers together with the presented product of the detail page.

18 Which items had been checked by other customers besides this product, you will get to know here.

19 Each item is associated with certain keywords. Mark the suitable keywords and you can search our database for other items.

20 The last four product reviews are shown directly at the detail page. You can see, how many stars as well as the number of reviews and the average rating. If you would like to write a review on your own, simply follow the links.

21 Read oppinions of other customers about this product.

22 Budoten is proud on its many awards. Budoten is furthermore repeatedly revised by independant institutes. Budoten is for instance one of the first German martial arts suppliers who are entitled to use the Trusted-Shops-Seal and the trustmark of the European Trade Institute as we meet their high requirements. As Trusted Shops was trying to influence our range of products we canceled our cooperation with Trusted Shops in June 2011. more information

23 The footer offers other important links. You can reach quickly our general terms and condition, our privacy policy as well as our comprehensive online help desk.

Further Information


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